Sophisticated Use of Exemption:  Use It or Lose It

Sophisticated Use of Exemption:  Use It or Lose It   Today, with the exemptions from the Federal Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Taxes (“FET, FGT and GSTT”) at $11.4 million per person and  $22.8 million for a married couple, fewer … Continue reading

The myth of title theft: What providers of “protection” against it aren’t telling you

The myth of title theft: What providers of “protection” against it aren’t telling you By: SBN Staff | 12:01am EDT July 1, 2019 “Title theft” was a term unknown just a generation ago. Now advertisers bombard us daily with warnings … Continue reading

Does Your Estate Plan Meet Your Objectives? …Are You Sure?

Does your estate plan meet your objectives? Are you sure? Unless you modified your estate plan after 2017,  it may not achieve the results you intend because of significant changes in federal tax laws in recent years (details of which … Continue reading