Defining discrimination

Federal law and LGBTQ+ employee workplace discrimination protections By: SBN Staff | 9:54am EDT September 11, 2018 Many states have discrimination laws that provide protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. For example, New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination … Continue reading

“Epic” decision for employers: The Supreme Court makes a significant ruling in favor of employers

The Supreme Court makes a significant ruling in favor of employers By: Chelan David | 4:36pm EDT August 6, 2018 On May 21, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis, which significantly undermined … Continue reading

Goodbye, golf-course view? What to do when the golf course adjoining your home is redeveloped

What to do when the golf course adjoining your home is redeveloped By: Chelan David | 4:43pm EDT August 6, 2018 Golf courses throughout the country are closing, and the land is being redeveloped for uses that not only destroy … Continue reading